– 5 minute read –
For what is life, but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way.
The first misconception in todays world is expecting a super fast and easy way out of every problem. Instant gratification is offered on every corner, of every part of our lives. We are bombarded with new quick fixes daily, revolutionary formulas, and a whole lot of medical shortcuts to our mental and physical health. All of them designed to work in the beginning, but in the long run they turn out not so great.
We have been taught to specialise and look at the world under a microscope. Our minds were separated from our bodies, as if they are not connected. Then our bodies were dissected into different areas. Finally the parts of our body have been analysed in a laboratory with precision.
The big picture
Now we know every little detail about sections of our being, and very rarely look at the big picture. When looking for solutions to our overall health though, I believe we need to start with the basics:
- movement
- nutrition
- daily habits
If you would like to take it to the next level, educate yourself further and think about other aspects of health like:
- quality sleep
- proper breathing
- sunlight, nature etc.
Then for the real enthusiasts or professional athletes, we can upgrade that with a number of “Bio-hacks”. Those include tracking your HRV and sleep, cold showers, sauna, ice baths, breath work, supplementation, and other fine tuning things you can do to optimise your life.
Changing only one aspect of your life will rarely make a big difference. Unless you are already doing everything else right of course.
We should strive to make small changes in different areas, moving toward our goal with baby steps. It is easier to make five different small steps, than making one giant leap at a time.
You can always start with only ten to fifteen minutes of movement every day. It may not feel like you are making a big difference in the first week, but after a month or two you will start noticing changes. While thinking about nutrition just cut out, or let’s say minimise all the fried stuff. Next step would be to eliminate sweetened beverages.
Process over quick fixes
In todays world diet means a rigorous plan to change the way we eat, usually prescribed for rapid weight loss. Going on a diet for a couple months, then settling back into our old ways is not the way to go. In this case you might experience whats called a yoyo effect. Meaning not only will you get back to where you were, but actually progress further away from your goals. There is nothing particularly wrong with trying out a diet for a couple months, perhaps find a new way that suits your nutritional habits. Just do not fall straight back into your old ways of living, see what you have learned.
Diet comes from the ancient Greek word “Diaita” which means “Way of life”
The idea is to make sustainable changes that will serve our wellbeing in the long run. Trying to understand our bodies, starting to feel good about the new choices we make. Becoming comfortable with small changes, elevating them slowly to redefine the way we feel.
Shortcuts & traps
It is very natural for everyone to want to achieve their goal, or arrive at a destination as fast as possible. And besides the cheesy “Its not about the destination, its about the journey” quote, this road usually has a lot of bumps. You never know what kind of traps are waiting for you when you take a shortcut. Sometimes it works out, other times it sets you back, and sometimes you fall into a big hole you did not expect to be there. And that is mostly speaking about actual shortcuts. As far as life choices go, taking the easy way out on your way to success is never going to help you, or feel good down the road.
On the other hand there are ways to get to your goal faster. Like tuning your car, or upgrading it with new features. You can upgrade your lifestyle with small tricks on a daily basis. Changes that will improve your overall wellbeing. Clear your mind with meditation, breathing techniques. Learning & becoming more of your real self. Add then one by one, see what works and what does not, see what feels good to you. Not everything is for everyone, but if you don’t try out a bunch of different things, you will never know how good you can feel.
Day & Night
There is no such thing as living happily ever after. Neither is sipping Mai Thais on a beach for the rest of your life once you “win the lottery”, or make it happen. We all crave excitement in our life. If there is none, we create it. Life is all about that pain & pleasure balance.
Just as there is no day without night, sound without silence, there is no joy to life without a little struggle.
And the more struggle we intentionally create, the more Joy we bring into our lives. For me personally, there is no better feeling than that after a good workout. Whether it is a great wakeboard session, snowboarding all day in the winter, an explosive interval run, or a brutal workout at the gym.
The sweat, the grind, the effort you put into a physical activity, before relaxing into momental bliss. That feeling after putting the pressure on yourself, is instantly rewarded by all of the feel good chemicals our body can provide.